Animals, for example, without a penny has come to our aid. From alpaca to monkeys, they are all willing to help us ...
Girl feeding sheep while visiting ìWay Biî - interactive farm in Tepkane, Chimaltenangovskoy area 88 kilometers from Guatemala (July 19, 2012). The trip was organized by the Charitable Foundation for the Blind and Deaf Guatemalans and masters farm for 58 children who are deaf or visually impaired to participate in animal-social therapy in the hope of helping children to develop their skills to adapt to society.
Ten-year Carisa Bald kisses his home horse Princess at the time, as she stands near her bed at their home in Sydney (18 August 2004). Pritsessa (Shetland pony) can walk as she pleases, at country house in the outskirts of Sydney, has together with the owners and drink beer every Saturday ... ah, yes, even she, of course, provides the necessary therapy for Karis diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Mentally handicapped member of the "Sin Limits" is accompanied by volunteers during practice in Lienz Charro in Guadalyre (Feb. 22, 2013). The team was founded two years ago as a division of the school Chareyry. The objectives of this institution is to combine the traditions of the national sport and social integration of people with various disabilities to health, acquired as a result of incidents.
Divers Murat tits and Yursuf Yurdaziper hold fins of dolphins helping to swim three years of the Turkish Ayse girl suffering from cerebral palsy. All the action is a curative therapy session, photo taken June 12, 2005 in Antalya (Turkey). Children suffering from these diseases are under the supervision and control of Dr. Murat Kemaloglu which conducts therapy with the help of boobs and Yurdazipera (and both divers and teachers).
Geovani Gonzalez (cerebral palsy) lies on Fiona, a therapeutically trained dog during therapy (again) session at the Center Kolitas in Panama September 22, 2012. The Centre, which is under the leadership of Mario Chang, sponsors programs on the use of specially trained dogs for therapeutic practice and helps to increase the number of children and tineydzherovskogo happiness, helping them to cope with mental and physical disabilities (such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism
Nine-year Jovan Perberton embraces four-year alpaca named Ozzie (animals, helping the therapist Nancy Hachhinson). Alpaca eats something out of his hands in a public school in Oshawa Bobby Orr.
Glen Hoffman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with riot K9 dogs present at the public meeting at Newton High School. Subjects meeting future primary school Sunday.This is one of the schools in England, where there was an incident with a firearm fatalities (13 January 2013). In the picture you can also watch the dog Dolly from the K9 unit to prevent crisis situations with his mistress Lauri Buchchele.
Toby - a ten-year-capuchin monkey submits a bottle, which pulled out of the refrigerator of his mistress Alison Payne. The monkey is trained organization "Helping Hand: Monkey Helpers for people with disabilities" - in the monkey at Brighton College (Boston) May 7, 2004. In this organization for the disabled have already trained more than 93 monkeys, and plans - hundreds and hundreds of new ones in the coming years.
Elizabet Blue Norton (14 years) - a patient at Children's Hospital Colorado plays with Brown - therapy dog (Aurora, CO) April 14, 2013, which is involved in the therapeutic program called "Zhivotnopredpisyvayuschaya visiting program." This program operates in the hospital since 1984.
Jack Coulter smiles Tutsi, miniature horse, in the center of the daily care of the elderly, "Life on the full" in Bound Park in Cary October 24, 2012. In Tootsie Carmen and her colleagues have huge advantages over conventional horse - small size and softness, allowing them to easily perform the duties of therapeutic animals. Owner Sandy Spooner (co-founder of the center) to organize public demonstrations horses, people to see their unique ability to help patients in hospitals and at home to reduce pain, get rid of loneliness and depression. Copyright © Muz4in.Net - Stanislav Stainovsky

1st place: Some ants are able to "explode" to protect their colonies. In critical situations, the ant cuts special cavity (usually part of the stomach) in the body, where the pre-accumulate their allocation. After the operation, the contents of the cavity is sprayed around. Different types of ants use different substances from poisonous to sleeping pills and nerve. After that, the ant dies. 2nd place: Snakes, to scare away the enemy, farts, and very loud. 3rd place: Traditional crayfish in an emergency pee. Also coming and lobsters, and they wrote through tiny holes around the eyes. The urine contains chemicals with which crabs and lobsters transmit information to each other. 4th place: Sea crabs lobsters - good violinists. Sensing something was wrong, they start to drive long process at the base of antennas located on under their eyes ribbed ledge. Arising loud sound lobster not only warns about the danger of relatives, but also deters enemies heard this "music", fish in fear often throw caught prey that gets tricky cancer. 5th place: Bear never attack while standing. It can briefly stand on its hind legs to look around, but he always attacks on four legs. Escape from the pursuing bear impossible. One bear paw seasoned able to break back to the bull, bison, or buffalo. 6th place: Elephants, stamping on the ground, able to send a message through the soil at a distance of 32 km. Elephants recipients perceive these messages feet. There are cases when he heard the tramp of feet of elephants in an ambush poachers 60 km, another herd to change the route to bypass the dangerous area. 7th place: Kangaroo transmit signals to each other about the dangers of using the tail: seeing a predator, they start banging on the tail earth. Upon hearing this signal, other kenkuru run. Predators usually only fights the leader of the herd. 8th place: Possum in a critical situation falls, pretending to be dead. At the same time he has his eyes glaze over, flows from the mouth foam, and anal gland secretion emit malodorous.By the way, these actions are not intentional, and opossum can not control them: it's completely automatic instinct is associated with fear. 9th place: Wolf in the event of danger cares about his personal safety. Therefore, he can throw their own children: in this case, his chances of survival are increased. 10th: Gophers in case of danger from the air whistling, and in case of danger to the land - chirp. Marmots whistle too, and their whistle can be heard at a distance of 1.5 km.
Girl feeding sheep while visiting ìWay Biî - interactive farm in Tepkane, Chimaltenangovskoy area 88 kilometers from Guatemala (July 19, 2012). The trip was organized by the Charitable Foundation for the Blind and Deaf Guatemalans and masters farm for 58 children who are deaf or visually impaired to participate in animal-social therapy in the hope of helping children to develop their skills to adapt to society.
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