Peacocks - genus of large birds pheasant family, which can be safely assigned to the title of the finest representatives of the avifauna. At the mention of them in the head there is the image of an incredibly beautiful and, of course, especially birds. However, not everyone knows that one of the closest relatives of peacocks - very ordinary chicken.They belong to the order Galliformes, being the largest of its representatives.
Peacocks are common in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and several other countries. They are close to dense thickets of tall trees growing close to ponds and grassy slopes at an altitude of about 2 thousand meters above sea level. Exotic birds, despite the picture kind, has all the features of the behavior of domestic chicken - it runs fast and excellent way through dense thickets, while not reducing speed. Tall trees they need to spend the night. Active lifestyle are peacocks in the daytime, looking for their own food in the grass or by visiting the rice paddies and other cultivated fields, where you can find the grain. The main part of their diet is plant food (tender shoots, seeds, berries), but occasionally they can eat and animal food (molluscs, insects, small vertebrates).
Peacocks are very hardy and require minimal maintenance.The average life expectancy in the wild is about 20 years in captivity, this figure may be slightly increased.
The body length of the largest members of the order Galliformes is approximately 100 to 120 cm, tail - 40-50 cm, and the tail plume may reach 120-160 cm, and sometimes - even two meters. Weight - 4.5 kg.
Peacock in flight:
The main feature of the peacock - long multicolored feathers nadhvostya that are unique to males. In females, they do not exist - they are Mother Nature gave a short gray tail, not framed by colorful opaque feathers. Contrary to popular belief tail in both sexes look exactly the same. It is interesting that up to 1.5 years peacock special external differences are not allowed, but is closer to age three in his adult feathers grow brightly colored, iridescent bloom fan. The color scheme is full of green, blue and reddish tones. Nadhvostya feathers decorated with large colored "eyes".
This pattern plays an important role in the life of peacocks, as is the tool to scare away predators. Sensing the impending danger, the male dissolve their fan-shaped tuft of feathers, many whose eyes are looking at the enemy, thereby diverting his attention and confusing. Beauty lush nadhvostya used by males to attract mates and during mating rituals, which is also important.
The body color is at these birds is markedly different: the females received nondescript gray-brown plumage color, but males happen to have a more sophisticated and bright picture.
Officially There are two types of Asian peacocks - an ordinary, or Indian, and green. Green differ larger size. Another type, standing a little apart, referred to as African.
During the breeding season the birds depend on their habitats. For example, in India, it falls to the period from June to October, and the inhabitants of Ceylon activated from January to April. Ability to procreate peacocks acquire only the age of three.
The very process of mating season - quite an interesting sight.The male behaves very original, using as attracting females his trump card. Proudly pacing around the female, he dismisses fan nadhvostya, finely shaking them and showing bright plumage. Such dances last very long - about 20 minutes. When the female is interested peacock, a turn of events becomes very unexpected - a handsome man abruptly turned away, as if trying to hide her beauty. It demonstrates the unsightly parts as long as the chosen one will not give his advances and show him his favor.
Through research scientists had discovered the effect of color feathers, in particular the number of eyespots exhibited by the male, the marriage ritual peacocks. Observations have shown that male with a lot of "eye" is more likely to be selected by the female. French scientists, in turn, explained this by the fact that the number of spots on nadhvostnyh feathers - a kind of indicator of the immune system, ie,female, choosing a "big-eyed" peacock, thereby selects and healthier. However, it was later proven that females often ignore champions in terms of the number of oculate ornaments, and the greatest success are males with a certain mean value - 165-170 "eye".
Nests peacocks suit on the ground, forming them of leaves and dry grass, and then laying them 4-7 eggs. After a month of incubation are born covered with thick gray fluff chicks.
The only drawback beautiful peacock - tuneless and sharp voice, reminiscent of creaking carts ungreased or cat cry, which came on the tail. Therefore, during the mating dance male mostly silent since his extraordinary "Serenade" may scare lover. Usually, they are particularly vociferous before the rain.
Canadian researchers recently found another way of communication between the peacocks - inaccessible to the human ear infrasound signal that males make through their nadhvostnym feathers. In the observation you will notice small shiver passing from time to time from the base nadhvostnogo fan before it ends. The fact that this can capture the human ear resembles rustling leaves. However, published another sound that sends via peacock tail disclosed serving as something of a transmitter. As it turned out, recorded peacock infrasound signal causes anxiety in females, and males - the desire to publish his famous cry. Is not known, what is the point carry these messages, they may allow birds to warn each other of danger.
Beautiful plumage of peacocks always attracted people's attention, so their domestication occurred in ancient times.Long since they were held in the homes of the Indian nobility, and then became an ornament of gardens and parks aristocrats around the world. In medieval knights crowned their hats with feathers of peacocks and women decorated their their clothes.
Until the XVI century peacocks used in cooking - at balls and dinner evenings ubiquitous fried carcass of these birds.Considered a delicacy only juveniles, as an adult bird meat harshly. On the place of honor at the events organized by the nobility peacocks replaced turkey, and now they are used solely for decorative purposes.
Many countries believe peacocks royal birds, and the Indians carry them to the category of the sacred. At home, in South Asia, they are valued for their ability to warn of danger - on the approximation of snakes, tigers and thunderstorms. Most strongly peacocks revered in India - in 1963 it was given the status of a national symbol.
Peacock in different cultural visions symbolizes beauty, love, longevity, immortality and pride. Bright bird of India associated with the symbols of the sun and the beauty of imperishable soul. Drawing its plumage in Indian mythology represents a picture of the sky. Kama, the Indian god of love, often depicted sitting astride a bird that symbolizes cravings.Islamic vision peacock relates his "eyes" with the inner eye.Pictured with a snake in its beak, it displays the victory of light over darkness. This bird is popularly known as the emblem of royal authority, majesty, perfect creation and spiritual superiority.
In ancient mythology, the peacock was a sacred bird of Hera, wife of Zeus (in Roman mythology it was Juno, wife of Jupiter). The Greek myth tells that one day, Zeus fell in love with a beautiful girl Io. To escape from Hera, Zeus and Io has surrounded himself with a cloud. However, Hera entered the cloud, and then Zeus turned Io into a white cow, saying that just admiring this beautiful cow. Hera became suspicious and demanded the cow itself. She put the cow many-eyed giant Argus (Argos). When his two eyes were sleeping, the other eye vigilantly watched Io. By order of Zeus, who sought to rescue his beloved Hermes killed Argus. Then Hera gathered eyes of his faithful servant, and took them to the tail of a peacock. Since then, the peacock is dedicated to Hera, Juno.
In some countries, the beautiful peacocks are considered harbingers of trouble. There they were feathers called "devil eyes" that prevent the appearance of an enemy or a traitor.For example, in England widespread superstition that with peacock feathers in the house owner can get into trouble or his daughter to remain unmarried. It is also believed that the peacock feathers on stage can lead to failure of the play. Most likely, all sorts of superstitions have arisen due to ever open your eyes and watch shown on the pen, which causes association with the evil eye, and as a result, with setbacks.However, despite all the superstitions and prejudices, you can be sure that the appearance of this bird is sure to bring a lot of aesthetic pleasure.
Andean cock-of-the-rock.

Andean cock-of-the-rock (lat. Rupicola peruviana), otherwise known as the Peruvian, is found in the Andes, inhabiting the slopes of ravines, tropical rain forests and river valleys of Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela. The presence of the mountainous area of the variety of birds is the principal, as the lodge Andean males exclusively among rocks, furnished in the same place their nests. Part of nesting among the rocks of their forces extravagant appearance and fiery bright plumage. In addition to intense orange-red color of the body and contrasting anthracite black (interspersed with gray) with a tail wings, rock males boast high fluffy tuft-mohawk, reaching up to the beak.
Andean cock-of-the-rock (lat. Rupicola peruviana), otherwise known as the Peruvian, is found in the Andes, inhabiting the slopes of ravines, tropical rain forests and river valleys of Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela. The presence of the mountainous area of the variety of birds is the principal, as the lodge Andean males exclusively among rocks, furnished in the same place their nests. Part of nesting among the rocks of their forces extravagant appearance and fiery bright plumage. In addition to intense orange-red color of the body and contrasting anthracite black (interspersed with gray) with a tail wings, rock males boast high fluffy tuft-mohawk, reaching up to the beak.
Compact body length of about 35 cm, strong legs, strong beak, bright and colorful plumage ridge - so looks Andean cock-of-the-rock, not accidentally elected Peruvian national symbol. By the way, chicken, though in contrast to the spectacular male, look extremely modest. Because of this caller painting birds have to be constantly on the alert, hiding from the sharp eye of eagles and hawks with strong teeth jaguars to pumas. The danger for the Andean males are other wild beasts, so hiding perceptible birds have very skillfully. And they do it - a bright flaming crests occasionally catch the eye. But if you see the Andean cock is not easy, you hear the sounds emitted by these birds can often, and especially noisy and polyphonic becomes during the execution of the mating ritual. During this period, the males congregate on large-scale open area where everyone is clearing for yourself your own space. No, no, no cock-fighting, males are not satisfied with the conquest of sympathy chickens passes peacefully and without bloodshed.
Chickens on the show are the spectators: they are watching everything going on, with the comfort of sitting on the branches of shrubs around tokovischa. Freeing the area from debris, males are taken for the cause: slightly raised wings and tail fan disbanding, they strode proudly, showing potential brides all the advantages of your appearance. Walking accompanied by loud pohryukivaniem. It happens that females from their observation posts cheer applicants loud cries, and then inspired males grunt, shake tufts and click beaks twice active. However, after mating males lose all interest in the chosen one and can easily go in search of new friends. These birds do not create permanent pairs, so this behavior is indicative of the norm. So to build a clay nest among the crevices of rocks and grow offspring hens come in splendid isolation.
Because not all places suitable for nesting, it often happens that females equips nest nearby.Masonry usually consists of two eggs greenish color, given to brooding about a month. Pups will be born female is feeding beetles, grubs and other insects, while adult birds menu consists mainly of juicy fruits and other plant foods.
Amazingly beautiful birds!

The wonderful world of birds, beautiful, touching, vivid and bizarre , not otherwise. You look and you wonder what it is diverse, ranging from feathers, habits, habits and ending with their unusual voices ... We can not hear them sing, but will be able to look at their world.
The Swan Princess

American Robin

Gosling. Soon I will vooooot so big!

Guess in which ear I have buzzing? .Semipalmated Plover - Semipalmated plover - Charadrius semipalmatus

Right-right! Amb-amb! Semipalmated Plover - Semipalmated plover - Charadrius semipalmatus

On the left, shagooommmmMmarsh!

Lovers. I'll give you all the flowers on earth!


Semipalmated Plover - Semipalmated plover - Charadrius semipalmatus. These birds feed on anything that will find in the sand on the beach - running for a moment beak in the sand bury, grabbing something and jumps on skipping :))

American Robin

The neck is not red ...

The only representative of the hummingbird, found east of the Mississippi (and, accordingly, in Chicago :)) Length - up to 9 cm, weight - 6.2 g Before migrating birds gain an additional 2 grams of fat to its weight, to prepare for the 800-mile nonstop flight across the Gulf of Mexico.

Masking. Brown creeper (Certhia americana) - North American songbird family Treecreeper (Certhiidae). American pika length of 13 cm. The plumage of the upper body brown-white, lower whitish, above the eyes white stripe. She has long, thin, bent beak and tail motionless. American pika lives in coniferous and mixed forests in most parts of North America to Central America

Teddy starling.

Wife to a new feather bed ...)

Blue-bellied roller - Blue-bellied Roller (Coracias cyanogaster) Blue-bellied roller size of approximately daw. Body length ranges from 28 to 30 cm, including the tail feathers length of 6 cm, the length of the wings is 16 to 19 cm. Weight bird is from 110 to 178, the males slightly larger than females. The back is dark green, relatively large cream-colored head, neck, chest and tail, most preferably ultramarine color.

The California quail - the official bird of the State of California :)

Bali starling, or Balinese mine (lat. Leucopsar rothschildi) - kind of passerine starling family (Sturnidae). The only member of the genus Leucopsar. Bird completely white except for dark ends of flight and tail feathers and a bluish ring around the eye. This endemic species found only in the northwest of. Bali, located in the north-eastern tip of. Java.

The only representative of the hummingbird, found east of the Mississippi (and, accordingly, in Chicago :)) Length - up to 9 cm, weight - 6.2 g Before migrating birds gain an additional 2 grams of fat to its weight, to prepare for the 800-mile nonstop flight across the Gulf of Mexico.

Collared bulbul - Collared finch-billed bulbul (Spizixos semitorques). Live in China, Taiwan and Vietnam

Blyths hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus) - Blyth's hornbill - male. Blyths hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus) - Blyth's hornbill. Refers to the hornbill. Lives in Indonesia and the Solomon Islands. In females, the feathers on the head black, and males - reddish-brown. On the beak has a hollow outgrowth, the appointment of which is still not very well known. There are various assumptions, such as for acquiring the partners or to enhance sound Creek. The female builds a nest in hollow trees, zabarrikadiruya yourself mud walls. Leaves a small hole through which the male feeds her and the chicks until they are older. Eat fruits and vegetables, but sometimes it can catch and small animals.

Kookaburra, laugh or kingfishers - genus of birds of the family Kingfisher; are found in savannas and woodlands of Australia and New Guinea. Its length is 45-47 cm wingspan of 65 cm; weighs approx. 0.5 kg Kookaburra is renowned for his screams that remind laugh of humans (hence their name).

Chick Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) - Killdeer

Wilson's warbler - Wilson's warbler (Wilsonia pusilla). Female

Nicobar pigeon - species of birds of the pigeon family, the only one now living Nicobar pigeon.Nicobar Nicobar pigeon found on the Nicobar and Andaman Islands, as well as small (mostly uninhabited) islands of Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and to the east up to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Dove prefer small, mostly uninhabited islands where there are no predators. He lives in the jungle.

Blue-gray tanager is widely distributed from Mexico to the northwest Peru, northern Bolivia and Brazil. Tanagers mainly feed on fruit, but occasionally eat insects. The length of the bird about 18 cm.

Steller's Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri). Black-jay Steller

American goldfinch

Most kisses ....

Wonderful world and its reflection ...

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