If you keep canaries and want them to have bred, you should have three cells. In one of them, length - 40, width - 20, height - 22-25 centimeters, fall and winter living male. The doors in the cell must be on both sides. About one put or hang the bird feeder, the other near - water bottle. Two perch strengthen at the same distance from the bottom and so that a bird, jumping on them, do not touch the walls of the cell and its tail to its droppings falling any food or water.
The size of the second cell for males, females and their chicks: length - 60-70, width - 35-40, height - 40 centimeters. It is better if the ceiling in the cell will be plywood. One of the two doors, a wider, making in the lower part of the front wall. It is designed to give food and water, and it should be free to enter the pallet for bathing, a small flower pot with herbs. In this cell reinforce two jacks. The basis for their cross-linked white thick cord around a pencil. Upper cup diameter - 9-10, depth - 6 centimeters. The dish was placed in a wire basket with hooks for hanging. Top diameter her 7.5-8 centimeters. The nest should be in the light, but not in the sun: the bird, feeding chicks, good to see them, and the chicks do not overheat. In this cell requires two perches at the top, at 12-13 cm from the ceiling, and one or two under.
Dimensions third cell: length - 120-130, width and height - 50 centimeters. Upstairs in the 12-13 cm from the side walls, strengthen the two perch, the same - lower and closer to the middle, and still the same - in the 12-13 cm from the bottom. In this live cell grown chicks, females after the breeding males during moulting.
Perches from willow twigs or young shoots with hazel bark should be the thickness of the bird covered their fingers are not completely: from 1.3 to 1.5 centimeters in diameter. In any cell necessary to put a large clean sand in the cup.
It is desirable to all the warm season to keep canaries in a cage outdoors.
To canaries bred successfully, the female should be from 10 months to 4 years, the male may be over. In late February - early March, they are given three to four times a week, egg food, germinated wheat: they pour water in the morning, evening, thoroughly washed, the next morning, again, washed, placed in a part of the feeder, clean the rest in the refrigerator. In addition, the male who has lived all winter in cramped quarters, is placed in the largest of the three cells. If you live in a canary cage, do it, of course, it is not necessary.
Already more than one century canary delight their owners pleasant melodious singing, variety of colors and unusual shapes.
The body length is 12 canaries room? 14 cm. Wild type of home form is somewhat less (12-13 cm long) and it is very different from the color. Male top green color with black longitudinal dashes, top of the head, neck and rump yellow-green, the color of the chest posteriorly becomes yellow, the belly is white. Colour female paler, grayish due kaёmkam feathers, back her brown-gray with black dashes.Bondage canary much changed, and it became monochrome yellow coloring. A cross between a wild canaries from the home is very beautiful, it is painted with a mixture of green with yellow.
And no wonder that the world is large and canaries are undoubtedly quite deserved popularity that is continuously growing.
By extant data, already in the 14th century Spanish and Portuguese sailors began to gradually bring so enamored of their singers to his homeland. Most likely it had already spent in captivity canary bought from locals who kept happy young singers at home, in woven wicker cells. Thus began the proud "march" through the world of discreet, but richly endowed by nature of island birds.
Content canaries
Canary easy to tame, it is trusting, it lends itself to "education" and have successfully propagated at home. Canary can live at home 15-18 years, keep them in cages and enclosures.
The size of the cells of 30-35 cm in length, from 20 to 22 cm in width, the height of 27-29 cm. The distance between the twigs - no more than 1.2-1.4 cm. The door in the cage should be placed on the side. The bottom should be required to double, preferably of a thin stainless steel (inner bottom) and certainly a retractable make it easier to clean the cage, change it sand and disinfection.
In the cage should be a perch for the birds, which is a round perch is not thicker than 1.5 cm. Surface perch left rough, not refined. The distance between perches must be such that, jumping from one to another, the bird could flap its wings freely.
Canaries love to swim. Bathing cleanses the skin and strengthens the plumage. Water for bathing should be at room temperature. Kupalku attached to the outer side of the door so that water will not penetrate the cells.After each swimming kupalku removed and the door is closed. Kupalki should be washed daily. By bathing canaries should be taught from an early age, t. E. After their deposition by females - after 30-35 days of age.
Clean the cage must be at least two times a week. At this time, the bird should be transplanted - to overtake another cell, the cell placing doors open to each other. The entire inventory cell - tray feeders, drinkers, perches - you need to get well and rinse with hot water.
Drinking water should be at room temperature. It is poured into a glass or china small size (height 3-4 cm) and put on the bottom of the cage in a convenient place for drinking bird. Between the twigs cells can be inserted as a small trough or plastic thimble plugs for periodic additional forage honey, grated carrot, egg yolk, in addition to the basic food.
Cells are located in a well lit place, but not in the sun, not on the box and not in a draft. If the room is closed, it is possible and it is necessary to let the bird fly. Initially 5-10 minutes and then to 40-45 minutes. You can train the bird to sit on the arm, shoulder, but it requires a lot of patience. For cages with canaries should be approached so that the birds you have seen: even talking to them, caressing voice, you will win the trust of the bird.
Feeding canaries
Feeding canaries is not much difficulty. The main food is zernosmes.
To the canary ate all the food offered to them, and did not choose particular favorite ingredients and not grown fat, you need to comply strictly with its daily requirement.
On average, one of the birds rely daily 1-1.5 tsp heaped grain mixture. Norm this may vary somewhat depending on the species of birds and physiological state.
Thus, during the molting rate should be increased, because the birds hyperphagia phenomenon occurs, that is a large consumption of food needed for the formation of a new feather. At this time, obesity can not occur.
It should also be remembered that the bioenergetic metabolism of small birds is very high, so they must not be left without food during the day, even for 1-2 hours.
In addition to grain canaries need soft and green fodder.
Soft food per serving is prepared from half cooked hard-boiled egg yolks, grated, with the addition of one teaspoon bread crumbs, semolina or better baby food (such as porridge, "baby") and a pinch of poppy seeds.
A good source of vitamins and carotene are the various vegetables and fruits. They are cut into slices and strengthen between the bars of the cage near the perch.
Of green fodder should be given canaries: carrots, bell pepper - wig, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, celery and dandelion, parsley, apples, pears and strawberries. Like other birds, canaries need mineral feeds. They must reside in a separate trough. They include crushed eggshells, chalk, charcoal, coarse sand or shell rock.
Addition to the mineral feeding can serve as non-carbonated mineral water.
Among the new feed the birds should be taught gradually. Abrupt change can cause intestinal disorders in birds, forced molting untimely and other diseases, so ask when buying a bird, fed than their previous owners.
The bird should be added to the menu as crushed nuts and sunflower seeds.
Breeding canaries
At its home in the wild, wild canaries breeding period begins in the 2nd half of March. The best time for mating and breeding chicks in our environment - spring (March, April, May). During this period, more daylight hours, and the female can longer feed the chicks. To obtain good progeny should be carefully selected male and female. The male has to be large, with an interesting song, beautiful plumage, active. Age - at least 1 year. The female must also possess the appropriate qualities. It is advisable to choose a pair of male one and a half or two years or even five years, and females - from 11 months to three or four years. At coloring offspring affect both producers and for voice quality, susceptibility to the song and hearing a male influence. It is also necessary to take into account when choosing a pair.
Some amateurs practice mixing one male with two or three females and thus receive normal broods, but it requires a lot of experience. More information is available to the method of one male to one female. Before pairing a cell with a male and a female cell placed alongside, so that the birds see each other and began to show mutual interest. Males in this period every day for 5-6 days to give additional feed grain is soft. Enlarge diet and females. Ready to mate birds are put in a single cell. The first plant male and a day or two to him podsazhivayut female. Was put to the male mates with the female quickly and it starts building the nest. From the beginning of mating and nest construction before laying the first egg takes three to ten days.
The cage for mating can be normal or slightly higher. The nest can be hung in the corner of the cell from the inside or outside, in a quiet place.
The female incubates the-canary chicks 13 days. Males are also taking part in the hatching eggs. At a time when the female leaves to feed, it replaces it. On the 14th day the chicks hatch from eggs. After 3-4 hours after the onset of the female chicks start to feed them. They feed the chicks and both parents from the beak.
The flying from the nest Young initially seem clumsy, inept. At 24-28 days after hatching, the deposited from parents, good find and eat soft and hard food.
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