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Monday, 6 October 2014


Guldova amadina (lat. Chloebia gouldiae) cchitaetcya odnoy of camyh bright and kracivyh avctraliyckih ptichek.
Etot view vpervye was opican angliyckim zoologom Dzhonom Guldom godu in 1844.
Ucheny nazval malenkih birds "amadinami ledi Gould" - in chect cvoey lyubimoy zheny, kotoraya coprovozhdala ego Amount poezdok response time.
Pravda, J.. Gould opical tolko chernogolovuyu raznovidnoct, pocchitav kracnogolovyh and zheltogolovyh ptichek otdelnymi vidami.
Odnako cegodnya izvectno, they are normally chto cvobodno ckreschivayutcya mezhdu coboy and dayut camoe raznoobraznoe potomctvo.

Recovered online
BIGPIC52 Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
8983621547 2fc6a6cbea b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
1 Bolshe vcego in prirode imenno chernogolovyh amadin, a vot zheltogolovyh ochen malo - odna ocob nA 3 tycyachi ptichek c chernymi and kracnymi golovkami. Takoy mounting Color voznik of za prirodnoy mutatsii - birds c zheltymi peryami nA golove procto ne cmogli prevratit zheltye karotioidy in kracnye veschectva. Zabavno chto of za inctinktivnogo ctraha birds pered kracnym tsvetom, kracnogolovye ocobi pochti vcegda okazyvayutcya pobeditelyami in borbe za food (81.5% cluchaev).
8204867745 b25ff4ec49 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
2. vceh raznovidnoctey guldovyh amadin nA zatylke and gorle ect golubaya polocka, kotoraya poctepenno perehodit in zelenoe operenie jets on backmassage. Breast at the 11-cantimetrovyh ptichek lilovaya, bryushko zheltoe, kroyuschie perya hvocta golubye. Vokrug temno-korichnevyh to eyes imeyutcya golubye kolechki. Verily camki vcegda blednee camtsov.
8143119679 b4e4725beb b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
3 Guldovye amadiny vctrechayutcya in Avctralii, Where they are normally vybirayut naibolee vlazhnye oblacti. Interecno chto these predctaviteli cemeyctva vyurkovyh tkachikov chacto migrate pokidaya nacizhennye mecta and dazhe cvoih ptentsov tolko for togo chtoby ne pitatcya in the earth.
8025371969 01da7d82cf b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
4 Delo in tom, chto c nactupleniem zacuhi cuhie cemena trav, kotorye naryadu c nacekomymi yavlyayutcya pischey amadin, vycypayutcya of cvoih metelok and their mozhno polakomitcya tolko, if ye cpuctitcya c dereva. A yarkie birds etogo DO NOT like, and vot uletayut tuda, Where zatyanuvshiecya dozhdi ne pozvolyayut cemenam vycypatcya nA zemlyu. In zacushlivyh zhe mectah guldovye amadiny mogut ne poyavlyatcya godami.
3423 Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
5. cozhaleniyu have cebya nA rodine these birds-malyshki ctali krayne redkimi and otnocyatcya to vymirayuschim vidam. Odnako their yarkoe operenie and zamechatelny golocok obecpechili them uyutnoe mectechko in zooparkah and chactyh pitomnikah. Pravda, coderzhat takih kracavits clozhno, a razvodit esche clozhney - so they are normally clishkom nezhnye and priveredlivye.
7557231120 54c4362643 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
6 Zato HOW zdorovo clushat their velikolepnoe penie! Do guldovyh amadin ochen upswing ctayny inctinkt, and they are normally activated, all response time pereklikayutcya mezhdu coboy nezhnymi prizyvami "cit." Verily their golocochki nactolko tihie chto uclyshat their mozhno tolko c ochen blizkogo racstoyaniya. Ho at maleyshey opacnocti robky "cit" prevraschaetcya in rezky "CETT-CETT" perehodyaschy in covcem gromky "tsryui-itis," if ye ptichka cilno vozbuzhdena.
7078297461 ab2a7b7de9 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
7 Gnezdyatcya amadiny in kontse cezona dozhdey, kogda vokrug mnogo korma. In odnoy kladke obychno from 5 to 8 eggs, kotoryh vycizhivayut Oba roditelya. Mama and papa Ptentsov vykarmlivayut termitami and poluzrelymi cemenami mectnyh trav. In dikoy prirode ectectvennymi vragami guldovyh amadin yavlyayutcya zmei, From kotoryh they are normally cpacayutcya nA camyh tonenkih vetochkah and dnevnye hischnye birds. Ptentsam mogut ugrozhat muravi larvae nekotoryh flies and melkie yascheritsy.
6879885995 e6bbf9540f b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
6879885059 1c85067296 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
6583662125 9d324dc62a b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
6269568860 5b6efa5649 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
5609764267 21cb35402b b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
5163822924 fd446c17c7 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
5163219669 f073c1e1e5 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
4697760255 a6d9bb0628 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
4667875604 e7cb513413 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
4128053378 be16e8ea07 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
4103881110 4a0bf94aae b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
3883091488 f9bc13e226 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
3881837234 78c48302a8 b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
3856659556 b7528c002f b Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
3621 Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds
0 8f374 660f5468 orig Guldova finch is one of the brightest and most beautiful birds


Guldova finch (lat.  Chloebia gouldiae ) is considered one of the brightest and most beautiful Australian birds. This species was first described by the English zoologist George. Gould in 1844. Scientist called small birds "Lady Gould finches" - in honor of his beloved wife, who accompanied him on the trip.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
However, John Gould described the only kind of Blackheads, considering Krasnogolovy Citrine and certain types of birds. However, we now know that they freely interbreed and produce the most diverse offspring.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
Most of all, it is in the nature of Black finches, but Citrine is very small - one fish per 3000 birds with black and red heads. This color was caused by a natural mutation - a bird with yellow feathers on head just could not turn yellow karotioidy in red substance. It's funny, because of the instinctive fear of birds in front of red, Red Heads individuals are almost always victorious in the struggle for food (in 81.5% of cases).
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
All varieties guldovyh finches on the nape and throat is blue band, which gradually turns into a green tail back.Breast at the 11-inch birds purple, yellow belly, tail coverts blue. Around the dark brown eyes are blue rings. In this case, the female is always paler than the males.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
Guldovye finch found in Australia, where they choose the most humid area. Interestingly, these members of the family of finches finch often migrate, leaving their homes and even their babies only to not eat on the ground.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
The fact is that with the onset of drought dry grass seed, which, along with insects are the food of finches, poured out their brooms and they can eat only if you come down from the tree. A bright birds do not like it, here and fly to where prolonged rains do not let the seeds fall out on the ground. In arid areas guldovye same finches may not appear for years.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
Unfortunately, at home, these birds, babes become extremely rare and are an endangered species. However, their bright plumage and a wonderful voice provided them a cozy place in zoos and frequent nurseries. However, keep these beauties difficult, and even more difficult to breed - they are too delicate and fastidious.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
But how cool to listen to their great singing! Do guldovyh finches very developed gregarious instinct, and they continually overlap between a gentle calls to "sit." Thus their golosochkom so quiet that you can hear them only at very close range. But at the slightest danger timid "sieve" turns into a sharp "-CETT CETT" turning into quite a loud "tsryui-it" if the bird was very agitated.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
Finch nest at the end of the rainy season, when there are a lot of food. In one clutch is usually from 5 to 8 eggs, which hatch both parents. Chicks mom and dad feed termites and semi-ripe seeds of native grasses.
Guldova finch (lat. Chloebia gouldiae)
In the wild, the natural enemies of guldovyh finches are snakes, from which they are saved on the most slender twigs, and birds of prey. Chicks may threaten ants, larvae of some flies and small lizards.

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